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Health Benefits of Herbal Teas

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

In Jamaica the health benefits of herbs have been passed down from one generation to the next and herbal teas are used to solve a lot of health issues. Whether it is a headache, a tummy ache or a sore throat, herbal teas or ‘bush’ teas are still used as a cure. Besides being used as medicine, many people drink herbal tea just to feel rejuvenated and healthy. Herbal teas contain nutrients like iron, vitamins, phosphorous and alkaloids in their natural form and that is why they are effective in treating numerous ailments.

So what exactly is herbal tea? Herbal tea is not necessarily made from a particular kind of leave, grown on a bush, but in actual terms it is an infusion. This infusion can be made from the leaves, seeds, roots or even the bark of plants and so when you drink herbal tea you get all the natural benefits of the plant the tea is made of. Since plants have an aroma you benefit from the aroma as well as the steeped tea. This is the reason that herbal teas are always steeped in a covered vessel so the essential oils and minerals can be let into the hot water.

The Jamaican cerasee tea is made from the leaves and vines of a yellow fruit. You might not appreciate the bitter taste of cerasee but its detoxifying properties can purify your blood, rid you of parasitic worms and cure liver ailments, alleviate symptoms of diabetes and high blood pressure and is an effective remedy for colds and fever. This herbal tea is even used in a bath to remove skin ailments. Herbal teas used as baths settle the nerves, ease joint pains and remove fatigue and relieve muscle soreness.

Another very popular herbal tea that is a hot favorite in Jamaica is hibiscus tea which is made from the calyces of the hibiscus plant. Unlike cerasee, hibiscus tea is sweet tasting and one of the most loved herbal teas. It is also full of vitamin C and antioxidants. This is an herbal tea that can be drunk hot or cold and it relieves high blood pressure, insomnia, helps with weight management, and fights free radicals.

Dandelion is also a delightful tea which is made from the leaves, flowers, or roots of the dandelion plant. Though it is seen as a weed the plant is full of vitamins and minerals. It provides many health benefits for the stomach as it cleanses the liver, eases constipation, stimulates digestion and also relieves pain and swelling in arthritis.

One thing you must remember is that the herbals teas needs to be drunk every day to bring about health benefits. When you drink herbal teas regularly you will also notice a change in your mood and senses. Your skin will glow and you will be infused with energy. Another thing to remember is that herbal teas need to be infused in water for as long as 15 minutes to bring health benefits.

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